Screenshots of every penalty given to Real Madrid in La Liga 14/15

Referees have given 8 penalties to Real Madrid so far this season in La Liga. We check if were they correct decisions or not.

Real Madrid have been awarded eight penalties this season. 5 of them were very clear according to the current La Liga regulation, two of them are doubtful and the one against Celta shouldn’t have been given.

We believe the main problem is not that referees are in favour of Real Madrid (as it is suggested in Catalan press), but it is easier (or harder) to blow the whistle in favour of big teams. However, this also happens for Barcelona and it is the same in other European leagues.

We’ve included screen captures of every penalty awarded to Real Madrid this season, even though we consider the only way to make the correct call is watching the replay.

Against Atlético de Madrid

Siqueira penalty

Against Elche (1)

Mosquera penalty

Against Elche (2)

Real Madrid penalty

Against Levante


 Against Barcelona

Cristiano Ronaldo barcelona

Against Eibar

Eibar penalty

Against Celta

Cristiano dive Celta

Against Valencia

Negredo handball


One thought on “Screenshots of every penalty given to Real Madrid in La Liga 14/15”

  1. The penalties against Elche (1st one) and Celta were wrongly given. But don’t forget that Elche also got a wrongly given penalty that match.


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