Spanish teams nicknames (Part III)

Third part of our series on Spanish teams nicknames. Here part 1 and Part 2


The Galician derby, again on the top division, is a classic in La Liga. Spain is a multilingal country and Galicia’s language is Galician.

Celta fans and team are called Celtiñas -‘Celtics’ in Galicia- or Celestes -‘blue-sky’- because of their clothing. Deportivo fans call them Portuguese in a derogatory way.
Deportivo is called ‘deportivistas’ for its name and ‘blanquiazules’ -blue and white- for their uniform. Also, in a derigatory way, Celta fans usually call them Turcos -‘Turkish’ because they accuse Deportivo fans not to be Galician enough or that they don’t want to be Galician.


The mediterranean city of Valencia has a derby like other important cities like Barcelona or Sevilla. Valencian derby is played by Valencia CF and Levante UD.

Valencia CF nickname is ‘Che’. This word hasn’t a translation because is a particle only used in Valencia. Valencian people use ‘che’ at the beginning of a sentence. They are also called ‘Taronjas’ -Oranges’- for their clothing.

Against the ‘Ches’ always play the ‘Granotas’ -frogs-. Levante former stadium was very close to a river. In that river there were a lot of frogs so people started to call them the Valencian name for frog: Granotas.


The new boys in La Liga are from Eibar, in the Basque Country. They are called ‘armeros’ -gunsmiths-. This strange name comes from the gunsmith factories that are in the city.


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